Even after almost eight years of international community's efforts in Afghanistan the instability and turbulence in Afghanistan has increased rather than abated. Not only has Afghanistan seen ever increasing levels of violence and loss of life the virus of instability and culture of violence has also spread across the Durand line with hardly any silver line on the horizon. A deadly insurgency, higher opium production, increasing civilian casualties, rampant corruption, an unstable neighborhood and an uncertain political future remain the defining features of the complex and combustible situation that obtains in Afghanistan. This book based on the seminar on peace and stability in Afghanistan and the way ahead is built around four themes of security, governance, development and examination of likely future scenarios and offering recommendations for policy and strategy choices which can be made now so as to move towards a better and brighter future for Afghanistan and in effect for rest of the international community. The contributors to this book include eminent personalities from think tanks of India and Abroad.
Peace and Stability in Afghanistan: The Way Ahead
SKU: 9789380177205
₹650.00 Regular Price
₹533.00Sale Price
- 240pp
- Hardbound
- Aug-20